Weather Web Cam
webcam in cars

Weather Web Cam

0 - 6 cm6 - 12 cm12 - 18 cm18 - 24 cm24 - 30 cm30 - 36 cm36 - 42 cm42 - 48 cm48 - 54 cm54 - 60 cm60 - 66 cm66 - 72 cm72 - 78 cm78 - 84 cm84 - 90 cm90 - 96 cm

Live Webcam:
(click and hold on image to reload for latest version)(right click on image to reload for latest version)

Webcam picture of Wirtzfeld Belgium
Powered by StarDot NetCam

Webcam picture of Wirtzfeld Belgium
Powered by Sony SNC-CS3P door Optima Networks

Web cam online from 06:30 to 20:00 (CET) - Current Time:

Click here for the current weather conditions in the Ardennes and eastern part of Belgium (Hoge Venen)

Above you can see the weather web cam which has been installed in our back yard in Wirtzfeld, Belgium. This small village is located 5 km from the German border. It's only a 30 minutes drive to Luxemburg and 1 hour to Holland.

The weather on the webcam photo above gives you an idea about the current weather situation in central Europe, especially the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and Luxemburg).

For more weather photos, web cams and forecasts, please visit Het Weer -- the official site of the volunteer weather photographers of the national Belgian TV (VRT).

Don't forget to check out the road movies on SpeedyCam. I've got lots of web cam movies from around Europe. Whenever I drive around in my "sports car" (a tuned Nissan Primera Cosmic), I take my laptop and webcam with me to shoot time lapse road movies.