
SpeedyCam has received numerous awards already in the short time that it has been online. Please check out the fine sites which presented an award to SpeedyCam.

PC Mike’s Website-of-the-Day 07112001

SpeedyCam – A web cam mounted on a car? What a cool idea, and they have done it so we can enjoy all the sights and scenery from around the globe. See the time lapsed images in a QuickTime movie or submit your own for others to view what you see while cruising in your automobile.

Yahoo! Pick of the Week (November 5th, 2001)

Yahoo! Pick of the Week

Get your motor runnin’ and head out on the highway with these time-lapse road movies from crafty European director Joe Savelberg. Ingenious Joe hooked up a Quickcam to a Powerbook in his Nissan to take one picture per second as he drove the roads of Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany. The result is a curious herky-jerky look into the scenery, cars, and roads of Northern Europe as seen by his little cam. It’s an arty voyage reminiscent of flip-books where you ruffle the pages to make objects move. Rev up your Quicktime player and peel out.

USAToday’s Technology Editor Sam Vincent Meddis had this to say (November 8th, 2001):

USAToday Hot Site

“Joe Savelberg says he got the idea for SpeedyCam after watching a video clip of Madonna that featured time-lapse sequences. Presto, the idea of ‘time-lapse road movies’ was born.”

South African Daily Mail & Guardian editor Ian Fraser wrote:


“You’ve got time on your hands and you’re impressed by the time-lapse footage of roads and cars in a recent Madonna video, so naturally you get a camera and start moving down highways at speed and filming the results for yourself. Then it spreads and other people start sending you films of whooshing along roads at speed. Suddenly you’re famous. Put your seatbelt on and grit yer teeth at Speedy Cam!

Auto Express Belgium (Newsletter #25) – Site of the week:

“C’est non sans humour que le belge Joe Savelberg a réalisé différents road movies d’un genre particulier : à bord de sa Nissan Primera 2.0 TD Cosmic Edition, une Webcam reliée à un ordinateur portable ; chaque seconde, la Webcam prend une photo et les clichés sont ensuite rassemblées dans un petit film que l’on peut visionner sur SpeedyCam. La technique utilisée se traduit par une impression de vitesse, d’où le titre. 45 films tournés en Belgique, au Luxembourg et en Allemagne attendent d’être visionnés. Mais on trouve aussi quelques films tournés en Australie, en Irlande, en Espagne ainsi qu’aux Etats-Unis. Si le cur vous en dit, vous pouvez participer au projet et envoyer vos propres films. Ceux-ci sont aux formats QuickTime et AVI.

SpeedyCam was also featured on some other sites during the week of November 5th: